Search Result for "whip_up":
Wordnet 3.0

VERB (1)

1. prepare or cook quickly or hastily;
[syn: whip up, whomp up]

WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

whip up v 1: prepare or cook quickly or hastily [syn: whip up, whomp up]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

119 Moby Thesaurus words for "whip up": abduct, ad-lib, agitate, annoy, arouse, awake, awaken, beat, beat up, blow the coals, blow up, call forth, call up, carry off, churn, churn up, convulse, cook up, dash off, disarrange, discompose, disquiet, disturb, do offhand, enkindle, enrage, excite, extemporize, fake, fan, fan the fire, fan the flame, feed the fire, ferment, fire, flame, flurry, foment, frenzy, fret, heat, heat up, impassion, improvisate, improvise, incense, incite, inflame, infuriate, instigate, jury-rig, key up, kidnap, kindle, knock off, lash up, lather up, light the fuse, light up, madden, make up, move, nettle, overexcite, paddle, perturb, perturbate, pique, play by ear, provoke, put up to, rally, rile, ripple, roil, roughen, rouse, ruffle, rumple, scrap the plan, set astir, set fire to, set on, set on fire, shake, shake up, shanghai, sic on, steam up, stir, stir the blood, stir the embers, stir the feelings, stir up, strike off, summon up, swirl, throttle, throw off, throw together, tickle, toss off, toss out, trouble, turn on, upset, vamp, wake, wake up, waken, warm, warm the blood, whet, whip, whisk, whomp up, wing it, work into, work up