Search Result for "uninfluenced": 
Wordnet 3.0


1. not influenced or affected;
- Example: "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington
- Example: "unswayed by personal considerations"
[syn: uninfluenced, unswayed, untouched]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Uninfluenced \Uninfluenced\ See influenced.
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

uninfluenced adj 1: not influenced or affected; "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world"- V.L.Parrington; "unswayed by personal considerations" [syn: uninfluenced, unswayed, untouched]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

60 Moby Thesaurus words for "uninfluenced": Olympian, arbitrary, autonomous, candid, detached, discretional, discretionary, disinterested, dispassionate, elective, equitable, evenhanded, fair, free, free will, gratuitous, impartial, impersonal, independent, indifferent, just, lofty, neutral, nonmandatory, objective, offered, optional, proffered, self-acting, self-active, self-determined, self-determining, selfless, spontaneous, unaffected, unasked, unbesought, unbiased, unbidden, uncalled-for, uncoerced, uncompelled, undazzled, unforced, uninvited, unjaundiced, unmoved, unprejudiced, unprepossessed, unpressured, unprompted, unrequested, unrequired, unselfish, unsolicited, unsought, unswayed, voluntary, volunteer, willful