Search Result for "groove": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (3)

1. a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record);
[syn: groove, channel]

2. a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape;
- Example: "they fell into a conversational rut"
[syn: rut, groove]

3. (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part;
[syn: groove, vallecula]

VERB (2)

1. make a groove in, or provide with a groove;
- Example: "groove a vinyl record"

2. hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove;
- Example: "furrow soil"
[syn: furrow, rut, groove]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Groove \Groove\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Grooved; p. pr. & vb. n. Groving.] To cut a groove or channel in; to form into channels or grooves; to furrow. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Groove \Groove\, n. [D. groef, groeve; akin to E. grove. See Grove.] 1. A furrow, channel, or long hollow, such as may be formed by cutting, molding, grinding, the wearing force of flowing water, or constant travel; a depressed way; a worn path; a rut. [1913 Webster] 2. Hence: The habitual course of life, work, or affairs; fixed routine. [1913 Webster] The gregarious trifling of life in the social groove. --J. Morley. [1913 Webster] 3. [See Grove.] (Mining) A shaft or excavation. [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

groove n 1: a long narrow furrow cut either by a natural process (such as erosion) or by a tool (as e.g. a groove in a phonograph record) [syn: groove, channel] 2: a settled and monotonous routine that is hard to escape; "they fell into a conversational rut" [syn: rut, groove] 3: (anatomy) any furrow or channel on a bodily structure or part [syn: groove, vallecula] v 1: make a groove in, or provide with a groove; "groove a vinyl record" 2: hollow out in the form of a furrow or groove; "furrow soil" [syn: furrow, rut, groove]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

249 Moby Thesaurus words for "groove": abysm, abyss, alameda, arroyo, ascender, autolithograph, back, bastard type, be a printmaker, beard, beat, beaten path, beaten track, belly, berm, bevel, bezel, bicycle path, black letter, boardwalk, body, bore, box canyon, breach, break, bridle path, bureaucracy, bureaucratism, burrow, canal, canalize, canyon, cap, capital, carve, case, catwalk, cavity, chamfer, channel, chap, character, chase, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chinoiserie, chisel, cleave, cleft, cleuch, clough, col, corrugate, corrugation, coulee, couloir, counter, crack, cranny, crease, crevasse, crevice, cribble, crimp, crosshatch, cut, cut apart, cwm, dado, daily grind, defile, dell, delve, descender, dig, dig out, dike, ditch, donga, draw, dredge, drill, drive, em, en, enchase, engrave, engraving, esplanade, excavate, excavation, face, fastwalk, fat-faced type, fault, feet, fissure, flaw, flume, flute, fluting, font, foot pavement, footpath, footway, fracture, furrow, gap, gape, garden path, gash, glyph, goffer, gorge, gouge, gouge out, grave, grind, grub, gulch, gulf, gully, hatch, hiking trail, hole, incise, incision, inscribe, italic, jog trot, joint, kloof, leak, letter, ligature, line, lithograph, logotype, lower, lower case, majuscule, make prints, mall, mark, microgroove, mine, minuscule, moat, nick, notch, nullah, open, opening, pace, parade, pass, passage, path, pathway, pi, pica, pleat, plow, point, prado, print, promenade, public walk, quarry, rabbet, ravine, red tape, red-tapeism, rent, rifle, rifling, rift, rime, rive, roman, rote, round, routine, ruck, run, runway, rupture, rut, sans serif, sap, scissure, scoop, scoop out, score, scrabble, scrape, scratch, script, sculpture, seam, shank, shoulder, shovel, sidewalk, sink, slit, slot, small cap, small capital, spade, split, squirrel cage, stamp, stem, stipple, streak, stria, striate, striation, sulcation, sulcus, tool, towing path, towpath, track, trail, treadmill, trench, trottoir, trough, tunnel, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, upper case, valley, void, wadi, walk, walkway, well-worn groove, wrinkle