Search Result for "dragnet": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (2)

1. a system of coordinated measures for apprehending (criminals or other individuals);
- Example: "caught in the police dragnet"

2. a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths;
[syn: trawl, dragnet, trawl net]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Dragnet \Drag"net`\, n. [Cf. AS. dr[ae]gnet.] A net to be drawn along the bottom of a body of water, as in fishing. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

dragnet n 1: a system of coordinated measures for apprehending (criminals or other individuals); "caught in the police dragnet" 2: a conical fishnet dragged through the water at great depths [syn: trawl, dragnet, trawl net]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

76 Moby Thesaurus words for "dragnet": abduction, apprehension, arrest, arrestation, bait, birdlime, bola, capture, catch, catching, cobweb, collaring, coup, domiciliary visit, exploration, fishhook, fly, forage, forcible seizure, frisk, gill net, grab, grabbing, ground bait, hold, hook, house-search, hunt, hunting, jig, kidnapping, lariat, lasso, lime, lure, meshes, nabbing, net, noose, perquisition, picking up, plug, posse, pound net, power grab, prehension, probe, purse seine, quest, ransacking, rummage, running in, search, search party, search warrant, search-and-destroy operation, searching, seine, seizure, seizure of power, snare, snatch, snatching, sniggle, spinner, springe, squid, stalk, stalking, still hunt, taking in, taking into custody, toils, trawl, turning over, wobbler