Search Result for "ghost-write": 

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

ghostwrite \ghost"write`\, ghost-write \ghost"-write`\v. t. To write (a book, article, speech, etc.) for someone else; -- the written material appears under the name of the person for whom it was written. Syn: ghost. [WordNet 1.5] ghostwriter
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

41 Moby Thesaurus words for "ghostwrite": act for, author, change places with, coauthor, collaborate, compose, crowd out, cut out, dash off, displace, double for, editorialize, fill in for, formulate, free-lance, ghost, indite, knock off, knock out, novelize, pamphleteer, pinch-hit, prepare, produce, relieve, replace, represent, scenarize, spell, spell off, spook, stand in for, subrogate, substitute for, succeed, supersede, supplant, swap places with, throw on paper, understudy for, write