Search Result for "first-hand": 

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

First-hand \First"-hand`\, a. Obtained directly from the first or original source; hence, without the intervention of an agent; -- of information; as, a firsthand report; firsthand information; firsthand knowledge. Syn: direct, original. [1913 Webster] One sphere there is . . . where the apprehension of him is first-hand and direct; and that is the sphere of our own mind. --J. Martineau. [1913 Webster]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

84 Moby Thesaurus words for "firsthand": absolute, adducible, admissible, attestative, attestive, authentic, avant-garde, based on, callow, certain, circumstantial, conclusive, convincing, creative, cumulative, damning, decisive, determinative, dewy, documentary, documented, ever-new, evergreen, evidential, evidentiary, ex parte, eye-witness, factual, final, fledgling, founded on, fresh, green, grounded on, hearsay, imaginative, immature, immediate, implicit, incontrovertible, indicative, indisputable, intact, irrefutable, irresistible, maiden, maidenly, material, neoteric, nestling, new, novel, nuncupative, original, overwhelming, presumptive, primary, pristine, probative, raw, reliable, revolutionary, sempervirent, significant, suggestive, sure, symptomatic, telling, unbeaten, underived, undeveloped, unfledged, unhandled, unique, untouched, untried, untrodden, unused, valid, vernal, virgin, virginal, weighty, young