Search Result for "[ae]gilops":

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

aegilops \aeg"i*lops\ ([e^]j"[i^]*l[o^]ps or [e^]"j[i^]*l[o^]ps), n. [L. aegilopis, Gr. a'igi`lwps, fr. a'i`x, gen. a'igo`s, goat + 'w`ps eye.] 1. (Med.) An ulcer or fistula in the inner corner of the eye. [Written also egilops] AS [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) (a) The great wild-oat grass or other cornfield weed. --Crabb. (b) [capitalized] A genus of plants, called also hardgrass. [Written also egilops] [1913 Webster + AS]